Favorite Minerals

X-Ray Computed Tomography image of garnet in schist
Cross-polarized image of kyanite (pink-orange) overgrowing andalusite (gray), ~3 cm in long dimension
Titanite images from Gordon et al. (2021), Western Gneiss Region, Norway
rutile needles in garnet, Skagit Gneiss, North Cascades, WA (FOV ~ 0.5 mm)
false-color X-ray map of Ca in a faceted plagioclase inclusion in garnet, Skagit Gneiss, North Cascades, WA

As part of the research described under the main themes (Deforming the Earth, Subducting Oceans, Melting Mountains) as well as in 'side projects' that in some cases turn into larger projects, various group members have particular favorite minerals. Why do we like these minerals so much? One reason is that certain minerals contain a lot of information -- in their composition, microstructure, shape/size/distribution. And, of course, there is also the fact that minerals are beautiful and amazing. On this page are some images of minerals particularly beloved by one or more members of the STAMP group.